- Nijenborgh 7; 9747 AG Groningen; The Netherlands
The Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) at the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) is committed to improving education quality through innovative practices and professional development. Its mission is to support educators, promote student engagement, and foster an inclusive community rooted in contemporary learning theories and evidence-based education. CLT values learner-centered, innovative, evidence-based, and inclusive education. Its objectives include serving as a platform for resources and partnerships in science and engineering education, providing guidance on teaching innovation and inclusion, and facilitating staff engagement in educational research. The CLT comprises four units: ISEC (Science Education and Communication), DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion team), PIE (Professionalization and Innovation in Education team), and the Honours College. These units collectively embody CLT’s commitment to science education, diversity, professionalization, and innovation.

- 46 Makedonitissas Avenue, CY-2417, Nicosia, Cyprus
The University of Nicosia (UNIC) was established in October 2007, and it is the largest university in Cyprus with over 12,500 students from across the globe. Located in Nicosia and with a presence in 18 other cities worldwide, the institution employs more than 1000 staff faculty. Its research staff conducts cutting-edge research on social issues and innovative teaching and training approaches, including Artificial Intelligence. UNIC offers 41 bachelor’s, 37 master’s, 30 doctoral, and 29 distance learning degrees, utilizing the latest technologies and learning design theory to develop students’ critical analysis, reflection, and problem-solving skills. Its state-of-the-art premises and eLearning platform provide access to extensive online learning resources, fostering a multicultural learning environment. Through its participation in projects as a partner or coordinator, the University has developed a wide base of knowledge and expertise in research output and project management.

- University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
University College Dublin (UCD) is one of Europe’s leading research-intensive universities and it has an environment where undergraduate education, masters and PhD training, research, innovation and community engagement form a dynamic spectrum of activity. UCD first opened its doors in 1854. James Joyce, the author of Ulysses, completed his BA at the university in 1902. Today, UCD is the ‘university of destination’ for international students coming to Ireland. It is currently ranked within the top 1% of higher education institutions world-wide. With over 33,000 students drawn from 144 countries study at the university, including almost 4,000 students based on overseas campuses, UCD is not only Ireland’s largest university and leader in graduate education but also its most globally engaged. Other well-known graduates include the author Flann O’Brien, the actors Gabriel Byrne and Brendan Gleeson, film directors Neil Jordan and Jim Sheridan, and former Irish rugby captain Brian O’Driscoll.

- University Hill, Μytilene, GR 81100
The University of the Aegean (UAegean) was founded in 1984 aiming to introduce new approaches in higher education in Greece and worldwide and to promote regional development. Situated in 6 picturesque islands in the Aegean Archipelago, the UAegean offers a unique natural, cultural, and human environment for modern studies in the ancient cradle of knowledge. It has a population of 16.000+ undergraduate students, 2.100+ postgraduate students, 350+ teaching staff and 250+ administrative staff. In less than thirty years, the UAegean has evolved into an international research-oriented University offering 18 undergraduate (BA or BSc) and 40 postgraduate (MA or MSc) programs in modern interdisciplinary thematic areas such as environment, communication systems, cultural informatics, product design, food and nutritional sciences, educational design and Mediterranean studies. UAegean has received consistently excellent feedback in evaluations that have taken place at national, European, and international level, because of the study programs offered by the institution and its competitive research programs. In 2016, UAegean was classified as the top-rated university in Greece, evaluated by the Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (HQA).

All Digital AISBL
- Rue du Commerce 123, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
ALL DIGITAL is a pan-European association based in Brussels, representing more than 100 member organisations that work with 25,000 digital competence centers, providing training and advice to 2.3 million people in Europe every year. Its aim is to enable the Europeans without basic digital skills to exploit the opportunities created by digital transformation. ALL DIGITAL promotes methodologies & certifications, facilitates partnerships among members & stakeholders, organises events and awareness raising campaigns, implements projects and surveys. The association also contributes to EU policy in the fields of skills, employment, social and economic inclusion, social innovation, Digital Single Market by policy papers and targeted communication.

- 29 Lykavitou Avenue (1st floor), Engomi, 2401, Nicosia
CENTRE FOR ADVANCEMENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY LTD (CARDET) is the leading independent research and education Centre in Cyprus, and one of the prominent ones in the Euro-Mediterranean region, dedicated to harnessing the potential of education as a major driver in shaping a better world. The CARDET team designs, develops and implements innovative, evidence-based approaches and resources to build up the competencies of individuals and communities to help alleviate social challenges. CARDET has completed more than 500 projects and initiatives across its core thematic areas, on more than 45 countries, several of which were supported by the European Commission, the United Nations Development Program, Microsoft, Google, nternational agencies and governments around the world.The centre developed the Lifelong Learning strategy 2021-2027 for the government of Cyprus. CARDET is ISO 9001 certified for quality in management, research, and education services.